Dr. Maynard Brusman is a consulting psychologist, executive coach and career coach. He believes coaching is a collaborative process of providing people with the resources and opportunities they need to self manage, develop change resiliency and become more effective. Utilizing instrumented assessment - clients set clear goals, make optimal use of their strengths, and take action to create desired changes aligned with personal values. Maynard can help you align your purpose, identity and values with a career you love.

Achieve more business and career goals.
Clarify thinking and behavior patterns and create strategies for change.
Develop emotional intelligence skills.
Discover meaning, purpose, identity and values in work you love.
Maintain a satisfying balance between work and private life.

Dr. Brusman is the president of Working Resources, a leadership development and executive coaching firm specializing in working with law firms and lawyers. We help companies and law firms assess, select, coach, and retain emotionally intelligent people. He is a highly sought-after speaker and workshop leader. He facilitates high performance leadership retreats. Maynard has been chosen as an expert to appear on radio and TV and has been quoted as a workplace expert in the San Francisco Chronicle, Wall Street Journal and Fast Company magazine. He specializes in working with senior level executives and attorneys.

Maynard is a member of ASTD, Institute of Management Consultants, The International Coach Federation (Certified PCC), San Francisco Coaches, Marin Coaches Alliance, Professional Coaches and Mentors Association, and The Society of Human Resources. He is an instructor for The College of Executive Coaching.

For more information, email mbrusman@workingresources.com, and visit www.workingresources.com and www.workingresourcesblog.com.